A-B | C-D | E-I | J-M | N-P | Q-S | T-Z

Crystals: Q-S

Here is a listing of crystals, stones & minerals and their metaphysical properties. Please note: Not all crystals listed are guaranteed to be in stock and all of the crystals in our store are listed here.


The most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it. A master healer that can be used for any condition. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance.

Quartz — Angel Aura


Angel Aura- Used for purifying and balancing the chakras, integrating the light body into the physical dimension and creating a deep state of meditative awareness grounding the information received from the cosmic realm into the physical body. A beautiful, rainbow colored quartz crystal.
Empowerment: My intuition is strong. I trust the signs and messages the Universe sends to me which guide me easily through life.
Chakras: All, especially the Crown
Astrological sign: Aquarius, although some system s consider it for all signs.
Vibrates to the number 4.

Quartz — blue


Blue- Assists those who absorb hurtful behavior by others into themselves rather than speaking out, so creating stress that manifests as physical symptoms. it is maintained to strengthen the immune system, thyroid, throat, glands, spleen, hay fever, absorption of minerals, heat stroke, sunburn, burns.
Empowerment: I find fulfillment in doing things well.
Chakras: Throat
Astrological sign: Gemini
Vibrates to the number 4

Quartz — cherry


Cherry "quartz" is not a quartz at all. It's a glass! It’s a gorgeous and popular material because of its swirls and clouds of pink in a clear base. It has been said to attract love, bring new hope, act as an anti-depressant, provides relief from anxiety and sexual problems related to tension. It helps to develop a vision for the bigger picture. Cherry quartz is an energy stone and a powerful healing stone. Its healing properties are used to aid respiratory difficulties, regeneration of cells, flow of energy throughout the body. It is an excellent balancing stone for a sad or weak heart.
Man-made in China.

quartz — clear


Clear- Carry a tumbled stone for ongoing energy; for an instant lift-touch it, absorbing the light so that it can circulate around your body. Hold to natural light every day and state the new beginning you will have; transmits prayers. Believed to heal and energize the body and anywhere it is directed for contact and absent healing.
Empowerment: Each day is a new beginning.
Chakras: Crown
Astrological sign: All
Vibrates to the number 4

Quartz — With Graphite


If you over spend and struggle sticking to a budget, then Graphite in Quartz is for you. Graphite is a mineral of conservation and preservation. It allows one to easily adapt to a frugal lifestyle. Use this stone if you are starting anew diet as it will allow you to stay focused and resist temptation. Because of the graphite inclusions, this kind of quartz excels as an energy conductor and provides one with warmth. This stone is also well-suited for increasing the healing energy in rituals.
Astrological signs; Pisces, Leo and Capricorn

Quartz — large point


The most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it. A master healer that can be used for any condition. Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance

Quartz — Lazer


For cutting ties with destructive habits; bring the wand downwards in the air in a slashing movement and say “I cut the ties with...” May help with laser or radiotherapy treatment, pain relief. Hold the point of the wand over the pain, then pull the wand away and hold the tip near a flame to cleanse

Quartz — Lemurian


We have a large assortment of Lemurian seed crystals in various sizes from 1 inch to 6 inch in length. Come in and choose! These are Quartz crystal, primarily found in Brazil, but also in the US, the Himalayas, Russia and Zambia, and generate a feminine energy. The belief is that they were programmed by the Lemurian's to teach their message of oneness and healing. They were then planted or "seeded" to be found by us.

Quartz — Rose


Rose- Stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels. Brings deep inner healing and self-love. Strengthens the physical heart, circulatory system and releases impurities from the body fluids.
Empowerment: I will be as kind to myself as I am to others.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Taurus and Libra
Vibrates to the number 7

Quartz — Rutilated


Rutilated- Effective integrator of energy at any level. Heightens the energy impulse of Quartz and is a very efficient vibrational healer. Acts as a filter of negative energy, helpful to therapists and their clients. Has a vitality that is helpful for chronic conditions and for impotence and infertility.
Empowerment: It is never too late to follow a dream.
Chakras: Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Gemini and Taurus
Vibrates to the number 6

Quartz — Smokey


Smoky- Stone of Transformation. Superb antidote to stress. It assists in tolerating difficult times with equanimity, fortifying resolve. Teaches you to leave behind anything that no longer serves you. Effective for ailments of the abdomen, hips and legs. Strengthens the back and fortifies the nerves.
Empowerment: I walk in hope towards the future, even if it seems uncertain right now.
Chakras: Root
Astrological sign: Capricorn and Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 2 and 8

Quartz — Snow


Snow- After a family breach, send a snow quartz carving or jewelry with a bridge-building note. Against winter hazards, keep in car for winter starting or driving in snow. Seen as good for bones, dislocation, bone marrow, absorption of calcium
Empowerment: Winter must come so spring will follow.
Chakras: Crown
Astrological sign: Capricorn
Vibrates to the number 2

Quartz — tangerine


Tangerine- An excellent stone to used after shock or trauma, especially at the soul level. It can be used for soul retrieval and integration, and to heal after psychic attack. Tangerine quartz can be used in past-life healing and is beneficial where the soul feels it has made a mistake for which it must pay. The soul learns to find the gift in the experience. Tangerine quartz activates and harmonizes the sacral chakra, stimulating the flow of creative energy. Tangerine quartz can take you beyond your limited belief system and into a more positive vibration. It demonstrates that like attracts like.
Empowerment: I awaken desire for happiness.
Chakras: Sacral
Astrological sign: Leo and Libra
Vibrates to the number 7

Quartz — Tourmilated


Tourmilated- A natural lone traveler’s crystal, moderating a spirit of discovery with caution; excellent for working holidays. Reduces self-sabotage. Believed to improve blocked arteries, strokes, veins, blocked heart valves, scars, lesions and growths.
Empowerment: I can live with uncertainties.
Chakras: Crown and Third Eye
Astrological sign: Capricorn
Vibrates to the number 4

Quartz — Window


Called Seer Stone or Dreamer's Crystal. A crystal for accepting imperfections in self and others; helpful for anyone suddenly disabled through an accident, injury or illness, to cope psychologically. May help with eyesight, finding new treatments for existing conditions via the Internet; send concentrated healing energy by holding the window on a painful spot.



Represents selfless love and compassion. It expands consciousness and integrates the spiritual with material energies. Attracts a soulmate but this may not be the blissful experience you’re hoping for. Soulmates are the people who help us to learn our lessons in life, and although this is not always pleasant, it is for our higher good. Acts as an irritant filter and relieves asthma and respiratory problems.
Empowerment: I allow love to flow freely to and from my heart and most of all to love and value
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Scorpio and Virgo
Vibrates to the number 4



An emotional balancer that nurtures love and encourages the brotherhood of humanity. Grounds energy, balances yin-yang and aids in achieving one’s highest potential. Excellent wound healer that also relieves insect bites. It can help reduce scarring.
Empowerment: Love is stronger than anger.
Chakras: Sacral and Heart
Astrological sign: Taurus
Vibrates to the number 9

Rhyolite, Rainforest


Ignites the potential and creativity of the soul. It facilitates change without enforcing it, assists in fulfilling quests and facilitates knowing from a soul level. Enhances self-esteem and self-worth. Fortifies the body’s natural resistance. Treats skin disorders. Can dissolve kidney stones and hardened tissue.
Empowerment: I live today for today.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 4

Rhyolite, Bird's Eye


It sparks creativity in individuals who are ready to move forward and make things happen in their life. It allows us to reach out and beyond our capabilities of what we think we can achieve by helping us to break through the mental barriers and to reach a vast potential within ourselves. This is a stone used for meditation, progression in life, focusing on the present moment and resolving issues not yet complete.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 4

Ruby in Fuchsite


Helps to bounce back after emotional upset or tension and deal with situations as they really are, without over-reacting or internalizing the problem and fretting endlessly over it. Recommended by some for carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive strain injury, immune system, infections, energizing the body, spinal column, red and white blood cell imbalances, heart and restoration of health after a period of feeling unwell
Empowerment: Each day I grow in a new way.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: None
Vibrates to the number 3



As a stone of the mind, Sapphire helps gather and organize one's thoughts and ideas and put them into action. This is a stone of mental structure and discipline, yet opens one up to his or her highest source of wisdom. Sapphire resonates with the third eye chakra and is recommended to those who channel information.
Empowerment: Truth is the key to trust and trust the key to truth.
Chakras: Third eye and Throat
Astrological sign: Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 2


Sardonyx — Black


Black- Stone of Virtue. Removes a sense of helplessness and victim mentality, lifts depression and encourages action to make overdue changes. Mends quarrels in a marriage or between parents and children. Sardonyx aids in study. May help with impotence, sterility, lungs, spine, chronic back pain, bowel, prostate and bladder problems.
Empowerment: I can easily attain my goal.
Chakras: Base
Astrological sign: Aries
Vibrates to the number 3

Sardonyx — Green


Green- Stone of Good Relationships. Removes a sense of helplessness and victim mentality, lifts depression and encourages action to make overdue changes. Mends quarrels in a marriage or between parents and children. Sardonyx aids in study. May help with impotence, sterility, lungs, spine, chronic back pain, bowel, prostate and bladder problems.
Empowerment: I can easily attain my goal.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Aries
Vibrates to the number 3



Brings about a sense of inner calmness that reflects on the outside with a relaxed attitude; hold a palm-sized polished scolecite beforehand if you dread social occasions or have panic attacks in crowded places. Believed to improve blood-related disorders, circulation, heart, adrenal glands, liver, spleen and the nervous system.
Empowerment: Each new experience, good or bad, holds the potential for growth.
Chakras: Crown and Third Eye
Astrological sign: Capricorn
Vibrates to the number 1



Also known as “Liquid Light”. A calm stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. Can be used to form a protective grid around the house creating a safe quiet space that does not allow outside influences. Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility.
Empowerment: I welcome dreams, but not illusions.
Chakras: Crown
Astrological sign: Taurus
Vibrates to the number 8

Desert Rose Selenite


Desert Rose Selenite is Selenite in a rosette shape. This crystal increases self awareness and mental clarity. It is a great crystal to meditate with as it can access past life memories. Desert Rose Selenite facilitates the journey inward to find the guidance one is seeking. It instills deep inner peace, connecting one to his or her Higher Self.
Element: Water
Chakras: Third eye, Crown
Planet: Moon
Astrological sign: Taurus
Vibrates to the number 8



Also called Dragon Stone. Encourages taking care of the earth. Focuses the healing vibrations within drumming and chanting circles and can be used to enhance the cohesiveness of any spiritual group. Emotionally nourishing and calming. Detects and re-balances blockages in the body. Beneficial for seasonal affective disorder, self healing, skin disorders, metabolism. Supports intestines, kidneys, blood and heart.
Empowerment: I offer and accept the hand of friendship.
Chakras: Root
Astrological sign: Taurus
Vibrates to the number 66



Also called Infinite Stone. Psychic impressions suggest this is the most effective stone for cellular regeneration and can cause a flush of pure healing energy. It acts as a trigger, causing old patterns of disease or imbalance to all away and new patterns to be created. It is the premier healing stone of this age. It is the tool most suited to bringing the physical body into line with the Light energy. A dissolver of guilt, fear and negativity in people stuck in a seemingly pointless existence; offers courage to take a step towards finding quality of life; supportive if you care for the terminally ill or disabled relative. As a massage stone, it is believed to draw out pain in the body.
Empowerment: I reach towards what is infinite.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 7



An earthing stone that aids meditation and spiritual exploration. Helps you feel more in control of your life, corrects mental and emotional imbalances. Eliminates parasites, treats hypoglycemia
and diabetes.
Empowerment: I do not need to carry emotional luggage.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: Gemini
Vibrates to the number 8

Shiva Lingham


Unites and balances the male and female energies within to create harmonious whole; good for resolving gender-related issues and for overcoming personal doubts about entering a same-sex relationship. Believed to be useful for increasing fertility, relieving impotence and other male sexual dysfunction. Helpful in easing childbirth.
Empowerment: I welcome my twin soul into my life.
Chakras: Sacral
Astrological sign: None
Vibrates to the numbers 2 - Master Number 11 (Lingam), 7 ( Shiva Lingham) and 1 (Narmadeshvara Lingam).



Stone of Deep Secrets. An ancient stone, believed to be about 2 billion years old. Extraordinarily positive, using it may bring you a variety of blessings. Beneficial to a healthy life, is the only known natural material known to contain fullerenes, which are powerful anti-oxidants.
Chakras: Root
Astrological sign: None
Vibrates to the number 4



Unites logic with intuition and opens spiritual perception. Instills a drive for truth and an urge toward idealism, making it possible to remain true to yourself and stand-up for your beliefs. Balances the metabolism. This stone combats radiation damage and insomnia. Cools fevers and lowers blood pressure.
Empowerment: I welcome the growth of wisdom in my life.
Chakras: Third Eye, Throat
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 4



A “love stone” for this age, bringing the purple ray energy to earth. Represents spiritual love and wisdom and opens all the chakras to the flow of that love, bringing them into alignment. Sugilite inspires spiritual awareness and promotes channeling ability. Exceptionally good pain reliever, the manganese in Sugilite clears headaches and discomfort at all levels.
Empowerment: I will not get stuck in self-pity.
Chakras: Crown, Third Eye
Astrological sign: Virgo
Vibrates to the numbers 2, 3, and 7



A joyful, light-inspiring stone. Instills “joie de vivre” and good nature and heightens intuition. If life has lost its sweetness, Sunstone will restore it and help you to nurture yourself. Stimulates self-healing powers, regulates the autonomic nervous system and harmonizes all the organs.
Empowerment: I am whole and happy.
Chakras: Sacral and Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Libra, Leo
Vibrates to the number 1

References: The Complete Crystal Handbook by Cassandra Eason; The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall; Love is in the Earth by Melody, and the Internet.

Please note that all metaphysical or healing properties listed are collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and not meant to treat medical conditions. Forever And A Day LLC does not guarantee the validity of any of these statements.