Crystals: C-D
Here is a listing of crystals, stones & minerals and their metaphysical properties. Please note: Not all crystals listed are guaranteed to be in stock and all of the crystals in our store are listed here.
Calcites are powerful amplifier and cleanser of energy. Connects emotions with the intellect. Cleanser of the organs of elimination.
Calcite — Blue
Blue- Creates awareness of when you are overdoing things and need to rest or pace yourself. Believed to assist with neuralgia, sore throats, hormonal headaches, menopause and hot flashes, high-blood pressure, increase the speed in wound healing.
Empowerment: I will not over-react to stressful situations.
Chakras: Throat
Astrological sign: Cancer, Capricorn
Vibrates to the number 3
Calcite — Clear
Clear-, White Helps one to speak the truth but with tact and compassion, especially if leaving a relationship or having to break bad news to someone, OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome, tics or any destructive behavior. An all-healer, cleanses organs connected with elimination and prevents calcification in bones.
Empowerment: I clear all clutter from my life.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: None
Vibrates to the number 8
Calcite — Cobaltoan
Cobaltoan- A stone of love. Also known as Sphaerocobaltite, is a beautiful lustrous pink-rose-red often found in the form of crusts or small spherical masses. It is one of the most loving members of the mineral kingdom. It is truly the gift of love. It aids in the formation of friendships, activating and stimulating the heart chakra. It encourages positivity and dispels negativity in the auric body. It acts as an energy vortex, enhancing all psychic abilities. It is used to induce deep relaxation and generate ideas and solutions.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Cancer
Vibrates to the number 4
Calcite — Green
Green- A mental healer, dissolving rigid beliefs and old programs and restoring balance to the mind. It helps in letting go of what is familiar and comforting but which no longer serves, and aids communication and the transition from a stagnant to a positive situation. Green calcite helps children to hold their own in debates. It is a powerful simulator for the immune system and is especially useful in grids. This stone absorbs negativity and rids the body of bacterial infections. It ameliorates arthritis and constrictions of the ligaments or muscles and is helpful in bone adjustments. Counters hyperactivity and ADHD in children, obsessive behavior in adults and an inability to give to others, whether love, time of resources. May act on infections, especially colds, flu and chest infections, heart irregularities, bypass surgery and transplants, tumors anywhere but especially lungs, breasts and lymph glands.
Empowerment: I give freely.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Capricorn
Vibrates to the number 3
Calcite — Honey/aMBER
Honey/Amber- A nurturing, feel good stone, especially for older women who have had emotional problems and lack self-esteem after menopause. Thought to be good for helping to assist cell, skin and tissue regeneration, diabetes and all blood sugar fluctuations. Also good for infections when they first appear, bedwetting and stress incontinence.
Empowerment: I lack nothing.
Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Cancer
Vibrates to the number 11 and 3
Calcite — Mangano
Mangano- Heals abuse of all kinds, helps mothers to bond with babies, particularly after a difficult birth/for post-natal depression. Give to children who become afraid of their imaginary friend or are scared about ghosts; when temporarily separated from parents, to console young minds. Thought to absorb pain, called the Reiki stone because it transmits universal life-force healing energy.
Empowerment: I will allow myself to be vulnerable.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Libra, Taurus, Cancer
Vibrates to the number 8
Calcite — Orange
Orange- Balances the emotions, removes fear and overcomes depression. Heals the psychological scars of sexual attack or abuse of any kind; relieves food related conditions such as anorexia, bilimbi and excessive exercising and any phobias, also shyness
Empowerment: I feel safe because I am secure in myself.
Chakras: Root and Sacral
Astrological sign: Cancer
Vibrates to the number 5
Calcite — Red
Red- Increases energy, uplifts emotions, aids willpower, and opens the heart chakra. It removes stagnant energy, including constipation, and dissolves blockages. It resonates to the base chakras, which it energizes and heals. It alleviates fear, bringing understanding of the source. Red calcite’s vitality energizes a party. For anyone expressing anger in inappropriate ways, by self- harming or seeking unnecessary medical attention or frequent panic attacks; for people who are hooked on psychic or sex phone lines or who seek love through indiscriminate sex; over-control as in OCD. At a physical level, it heals hip and lower limb problems, loosening up joints, and on a subtle level it removes the blockages that prevent you from stepping forward in your life. Thought to assist with all menstrual problems, especially irregular ovulation, ovarian cysts, endometriosis; painful menstruation; helps to improve circulation and cleanse the blood.
Empowerment: I will not only survive but thrive.
Chakras: Root
Astrological sign: Cancer
Vibrates to the number 8
Calcite — Yellow
Yellow- Enhances meditation, inducing deep state of relaxation and spirituality. Helps self-esteem that has been damaged by abuse, coldness or neglect in childhood or later in life by a destructive or controlling relationship; assists body-image issues. Aids the detoxification of all digestive organs.
Empowerment: I will make today golden.
Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Cancer, Capricorn
Vibrates to the number 55
Ground and anchors you in the present reality. Full of the life force and vitality. Alleviates jealousy and possessiveness in relationships; helps anger management; a dish of vibrant carnelians in the home absorbs fury from toddlers, teenagers and adults of both sexes; assists with the male mid-life crisis. Stimulates the metabolism. May help with exhaustion, lack of energy, male potency and sex drive.
Empowerment: I will not underestimate myself.
Chakras: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Taurus, Cancer, and Leo
Vibrates to the numbers 5 and 6
Cassiterite, also called Tinstone, helps focus manifestation, intentions and energies. Also helps with grounding and protection. For those who suffer from rejection, prejudice, abandonment or disapproval, cassitetrite will help dissolve the resulting pain and negative energies. Cassiterite encourages/enhances optimism and positive spirit. Physically, cassiterite has been used to aid eating disorders, compulsive behaviors, obesity and hormonal imbalances.
Empowerment: I have many options.
Chakras: Root
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 2
Has a high vibration and is a teacher for the New Age. It is imbued with divine energies. It takes you into the infinite peace of the spiritual and contacts the angelic realms. Celestite is a creative stone, especially useful for the arts. Psychologically, it imparts gentle strength and enormous inner peace. An excellent healing stone, dissolving pain and bringing in love.
Empowerment: I will make time to be still and silent.
Chakras: Crown, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway, Thymus
Astrological sign: Gemini
Vibrates to the number 8 and 2
Brings mind, body, emotions and spirit into harmony. May help with OCD, Tourette’s Syndrome, Autism and Asperger’s-related obsessions, bi-polar disorder. Powerful cleanser that lessens effects of dementia and senility.
Empowerment: I accept that justice will be done.
Chakras: Crown, Stellar Gateway, Universal Gateway
Astrological sign: Cancer and Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 9
An excellent mineral for those wishing to assimilate mystical knowledge as it strengthens perception and a connection with ancient cultures. It helps remove energy blockages and encourages the movement of chi and has thus been used in acupuncture and acupressure. A very useful stone for those practicing Tai Chi or "soft" martial arts for all of the above reasons. This beautiful, copper based crystal also possesses the protective qualities of pyrite. When combined with quartz its energies can directed by programming the quartz. "Chalcopyrite can be used to enhance ones abilities of perception and to strengthen ones contact with the ancient cultures of the universe. It acts as a connective force between one and other cultures such that one may readily receive information." "It can be used in the treatment of bronchitis and disorders of the lungs. It has been used in the treatment of violent and/or highly infective dis-ease, as well as by others who are working with those affected, in order to provide protection from the affectation. It has also been used to lessen fevers, to reduce inflammation, and to promote hair growth."
Empowerment: It is better to go forward in hope than to hold back in fear.
Chakras: Crown
Astrological sign: Capricorn
Vibrates to the number 9
Stone of Transformation. Soul stone that overcomes fear. Provides deep physical and emotional healing. Transmutes negative energy into healing and converts dis-ease into wellness. Overcomes insomnia and gives children calm sleep. Thought to improve high blood pressure, migraines, autism and Asperger’s syndrome, ADHD.
Empowerment: I can feel at home anywhere.
Chakras: Crown, Earth Star, Heart, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway, Universal Gateway
Astrological sign: Sagittarius and Scorpio
Vibrates to the number 7
Chiastolite (Andalusite)
Powerfully protective stone. Transmutes conflict into harmony. Aids problem-solving and change. Can encourage slow but significant progress for people locked in destructive behavior such as always choosing a faithless or abusive partner. Lessens fever and alleviates over-acidification healing rheumatism and gout.
Empowerment: I trust my judgement to make wise choices.
Chakras: Root, Sacral
Astrological sign: Libra
Vibrates to the number 3 and 4
Releases secret sorrows; allows the acutely sensitive and easily wounded to become more emotionally robust. Believed to be a whole-body healer, may help with skin surface growths, blemishes, tags; assimilation of vitamins and minerals especially A and E, iron, magnesium and calcium.
Empowerment: I seek wisdom within myself.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 9
Chrome Diopside (aka Green Diopside)
Stimulates the brain and helps with studies, and useful for mental illness, too. Helps to resolve the reasons for any addiction or obsession. Said to help with headaches, high blood pressure, tremors of hands, recovery after surgery, menopause, heart problems and heart attack recovery.
Chakras: Heart and Throat
Astrological sign: Virgo
Vibrates to the number 9
Chrysanthemum Stone
When emotional growth has been stunted because of abuse or neglect, it brings light flooding to open up channels to trusting connections with others. Assists with maturation of child to adult, especially puberty. Claimed to help with tumors, growths, absorption of nutrients, removal of toxins. It is good for severely disabled people so that they may reach their full potential.
Empowerment: I expect the unexpected.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: Taurus and Aquarius
Vibrates to the number 3
Helps men to show their vulnerable feelings and recovery from violence by partners of either sex. Maintained to be beneficial for digestion, hip joints and hip replacement, arthritis, rheumatism, metabolism, PMS, painful menstruation, foetal health, labor pains, thyroid, high blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
Empowerment: I can use my life experiences to guide others.
Chakras: Heart, Throat
Astrological sign: Taurus, Gemini and Virgo
Vibrates to the number 5
Worn as jewelry, breathes life into a relationship after betrayal. May help with ears, eyes, stomach ulcers, liver, gout skin perforations and infections. Powerful detoxifier especially of pollutants in the atmosphere; can relieve side-effects of necessary prolonged medication.
Empowerment: I open myself to new beginnings.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Libra
Vibrates to the number 3
Chrysoprase — Lemon
Good for breaking free of emotional blackmail, manipulation and mind games. Use to fight unfair dismissal, false accusations or to get a fair hearing. May assist with skin, muscles, mobility, nausea especially in pregnancy, weight loss, cholesterol, hormone imbalance.
Empowerment: All will be resolved in its own time.
Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Taurus, Libra
Vibrates to the number 3
Cinnabar attracts abundance. It increases persuasiveness and assertiveness in selling, and aids in prospering in one’s endeavors without inciting aggression. It also assists organization and community work, business and finance. Cinnabar is helpful when you want to enhance your persona or change your image as it invests a person with dignity and power. Cinnabar heals and purifies blood. It imparts strength and flexibility to the physical body, stabilizes weight, and enhances fertility.
Chakras: Root
Astrological sign: Leo
Vibrates to the number 8
Stone of Abundance. Effective against being a workaholic, stress leading to over-spending or excessive risk-taking, gambling addictions, neuroses of all kinds. A pyramid or geode attracts health and abundance to the home and spreads sunshine and happiness.
Empowerment: I attract abundance into my life.
Chakras: Crown, Frontal, Heart, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Aries, Gemini, Leo, and Libra
Vibrates to the number 6
A stone for any talking therapies as it opens up meaningful communication and assists self-knowledge and patient-led initiative. Said to be useful for skin problems, particularly psoriasis, herpes, kidney, bladder, removing toxins from the body; helping the body and mind to adapt to medical or surgical intervention, hormone therapies or fertility treatment, accident or serious injury.
Empowerment: I will improve the quality of my life.
Chakras: Heart, Third Eye
Astrological sign: Pisces
Vibrates to the number 3
Helps connections grow with other people if you find it hard to socialize or are necessarily apart from friends and family. May help to balance energies, clear blockages, rheumatism, arthritis, stiffness and swelling of hands and feet. For year-round luck, place a copper nugget in a small bowl as each month passes until you have 12.
Empowerment: Life flows in and around me harmoniously.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: Taurus and Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 1
A highly spiritual stone that carries a very pure vibration and works on the heart energy. It activates both the intellect and higher consciousness, linking into the angelic realms. Its brilliance comes from the cosmic light and is sometimes found with a Buddha formation within the crystal that draws enlightenment and spiritual light. It smooths the path ahead. It clears allergies and chronic conditions and has a strong detoxifying action. Treats the liver and gallbladder. Adds weight to the body where required. It aids muscular and motor function.
Empowerment: Gentleness is not a sign of weakness but inner strength.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Leo
Vibrates to the number 4
A symbol of purity. Its pure white light can help you to bring your life into a cohesive whole. It bonds relationships, bringing love and clarity into a partnership. Said to enhance the love of a husband for his wife, it is seen as a sign of commitment and fidelity. Diamond has been a symbol of wealth for thousands of year and is one the stones of manifestation, attracting abundance. Diamond treats glaucoma, clears sight, and benefits the brain. It treats allergies and chronic conditions and re-balances the metabolism.
Empowerment: I attract light and love.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: Leo
Vibrates to the number 33
Diamond, Herkimer
This stone energizes, enlivens, and promotes creativity. A powerful attunement crystal, especially the smaller, exceptionally clear stone. It stimulates psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance, spiritual vision, and telepathy, linking into guidance from higher dimensions, and promotes dream recall and understanding. On a healing level, it is a detoxificant. It protects against radioactivity and treats disease caused by contact, relieves insomnia, corrects DNA, cellular disorders, and metabolic imbalances; and eliminates stress and tension from the body.
Chakras: Crown, Heart, Soul Star, Throat
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 3
The Stone of Service, Diopside increases compassion, opening your heart to the suffering of others and encouraging you to be of service. Teaches the values of trust and forgiveness and assists in reconciling with anyone or anything. Supports cellular memory, physical weakness, acid-alkaline balance, lungs, circulation, hormonal balance and blood pressure. Helps with muscular aches , stress, kidneys and the heart.
Empowerment: I look at the world with new eyes and sees its wonders.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Virgo
Vibrates to the number 9
A powerful healer for the heart and opener for the higher heart chakra. Its wonderful blue-green color brings all the chakras up to a greater level of functioning and facilitates spiritual attunement, reaching the highest levels of consciousness. It has a dramatic effect on the human energy field. It regulates cell disorders, activates T-cells and the thymus, relieves Meuniere’s disease, eases high blood pressure, and alleviates pain and migraines.
Empowerment: I will nurture myself as well as others.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: Scorpio and Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 8
Prevents energy from draining away on useless causes or emotionally demanding people; brings comfort when all hope is lost, loved ones are far away or have deserted you. Viewed as being beneficial for bones, teeth, nails, skin and muscles.
Empowerment: I do not fear being alone.
Chakras: Root
Astrological sign: Aries
Vibrates to the number 3
Dravite (Brown Tourmaline)
Coming to terms with personal weaknesses and past failures to set us on our forward path to spiritual growth; for overcoming bad habits, self-abuse and addictions, especially coffee, chocolate, alcohol or painkillers. Claimed to assist with the purification of the blood, hips and hip and joint replacements, legs, feet and ankles, pain relief; help to speed the healing of scars.
Empowerment: People, not places, make a home.
Chakras: Root
Astrological sign: Aries
Vibrates to the number 2 and 9
Gently releases pent-up emotions that would be otherwise expressed as uncontrolled fury, good with anger management therapy. Believed to help with ligaments, tendons, finding and alleviating root causes of illnesses.
Empowerment: I find the sacred in my daily life.
Chakras: Throat
Astrological sign: Leo
Vibrates to the number 4
References: The Complete Crystal Handbook by Cassandra Eason; The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall; Love is in the Earth by Melody, and the Internet.
Please note that all metaphysical or healing properties listed are collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and not meant to treat medical conditions. Forever And A Day LLC does not guarantee the validity of any of these statements.