Crystals: J-M
Here is a listing of crystals, stones & minerals and their metaphysical properties. Please note: Not all crystals listed are guaranteed to be in stock and all of the crystals in our store are listed here.
Jade, China
Gives confidence to try new activities and so especially good for nervous children to socialize, to answer questions in class and also to stand up to bullying or teasing. Helps to make a total break whether from a destructive person or giving up a habit that is damaging your health. Said to help with blood sugar, diabetes especially type 2 levels, hormonal swings.
Empowerment: I can be assertive without being aggressive.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Cancer
Vibrates to the number 11
Jade, Nephrite
Jade is a symbol of purity and serenity. It signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility. Associated with the heart chakra, it increases love and nurturing. It is a protective stone which keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. It is believed to attract good luck and friendship.
Empowerment: I am healthy and will remain so.
Chakras: Base, Earth Star, Heart, Link, Sacral
Astrological sign: Gemini, Cancer, Libra
Vibrates to the number 11
The “Supreme Nurturer”, Jasper sustains and supports during times of stress, bringing tranquility and wholeness. Used in healing, it unifies all aspects of your life. Jasper reminds people to help each other. Supports circulatory, digestive and sexual organs
Jasper — Brecciated
Brecciated- Strong grounding energies, useful during periods of instability, or dealing with a crisis. Excellent crystal to wear if you are involved with animals that need a healing. Prevents accidents if kept with precious objects. Can be used to cleanse the aura and improve dream recall. Helps to enhance physical endurance and sports stamina. Offers a sense of vitality and strength, increases self-confidence.Excellent aid to keeping your feet on the ground and attaining emotional stability.
Empowerment: Each dawn brings new inspiration.
Chakras: Root
Astrological sign: Aries and Scorpio
Vibrates to the number 6
Jasper — Dalmation
Dalmation- If life has become a burden and you have lost all sense of joy, wearing or carrying Dalmation Jasper re-awakens a sense of fun and humor from within. It is an anti-smoking crystal. Thought to boost the immune system and remove toxins. Aids in preventing muscle strains and spasms.
Empowerment: I value my true friends
Chakras: Root
Astrological sign: Virgo
Vibrates to the number 6
Jasper — Dragon Stone
Dragon Stone- Emotionally, Dragon Stone helps one develop self-confidence, a stronger will, open expression of feeling and affection. Physically, it seems to aid endurance and to inspire one to work hard to be well. Spiritually, it can inspire one to place self-serving tendencies into service of the well-being of the world. Yet is does not make one into a weak rule-follower.
Chakras: Sacral
Astrological sign: Leo
Vibrates to the number 6
Jasper — Green zebra
Green Zebra- Helps us to rationalize the everyday problems that we face allowing us to meet challenges head on. Like all Jasper, Green Zebra Jasper is a great chakra stone used for the base or root chakra. It helps to protect or relieve sexual problems in males such as ED or low-libido; in women helps increase estrogen levels. It is also good for focusing on financial problems and seeing them through to completion. Aids in relieving fear, guilt and insecurity. Great for circulatory, digestive systems and balancing mineral content in the body.
Chakra: Root
Jasper — Kambaba
Kambaba- Brings peace and tranquility to troubled minds. Thought to boost the immune system, cellular growth, DNA, the ability to cope with hereditary conditions, digestive system, dietary stabilization, assimilation of vitamins and minerals, cleanse the body of toxins, improve internal skin & hair parasites, nails, skin, lesions, jaw, teeth, wisdom teeth, all dental work, neck and skull.
Empowerment: Nothing needs changing right now.
Chakra: Heart
Astrological sign: Scorpio
Vibrates to the number 4
Jasper — Leopardskin
Leopardskin- Attracts the right energies into your life to move beyond past traumas and scars caused by being forced into conformity by severe discipline in early life. May improve glands, hormones, bites & stings, coordination, rashes and skin allergies.
Empowerment: I will not question what life brings.
Chakras: Crown, Heart, and Root
Astrological sign: Scorpio and Virgo
Vibrates to the number 8
Jasper — Mookaite
Mookaite- Makes it easier to accept change and to allow ourselves to take a chance now and then, without worrying about the future. Use Mookaite when you need to make a decision and there are conflicting factors to consider-hold it close to receive a gut answer and go with it. Thought to boost immune system, calms digestive system by reducing stress, bladder, cystitis, blood sugar disorders.
Empowerment: Beauty is everywhere if I stop and look.
Chakras: Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: None
Vibrates to the numbers 5 and 8
Jasper — Ocean
Ocean- Gentle and gradual release of pent-up anger or emotional blockages. Claimed to be good for the digestive system, remove toxins that cause body odor and flatulence; help to ease problems with the thyroid, sea-sickness and inner ear disturbances.
Empowerment: I flow with my inner tides.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: Leo
Vibrates to the number 6
Jasper — Peppermint
Peppermint- Helps to assimilate and calm emotional responses, sexual problems stemming from self-doubter guilt. Kept in a child’s room can prevent nightmares. Improves confidence, inspiration and enthusiasm in the workplace. Believed to help allergies, liver, stomach upsets, digestive disorders, psoriasis and skin problems aggravated by stress.
Empowerment: Each dawn brings new inspiration.
Jasper — Picasso
Picasso- A joy-bringer if worn regularly, bringing awareness of the beauty in others as well as surroundings; for all who have given up on people and life. A crystal for reconnecting with old friends and for attracting new friends with similar interests. Thought to help arteries, bowels, constipation, colon and intestines, feet, legs, whole body healing by boosting immune system.
Empowerment: I will make time for pleasure.
Chakras: Root
Astrological sign: Leo
Jasper — Picture
Picture- Stone for Global Awareness. Should be worn for a period of weeks or months to unlock hidden fears that may go as far back as early childhood and to gradually dissolve them. Said to help heal skin disorders, allergies, chronic lung disorders, may aid in chronic constipation and IBS.
Empowerment: I will focus on the end result.
Chakra: Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Leo
Vibrates to the number 8
Jasper — Rainbow
Rainbow- Called the 'Shaman Stone'. A strong protection gemstone, it is known to protect against the hazards of the night. It has a powerful protection against things that are not good for you and it eases emotional stresses, making it a wonderful gemstone to have in your home. It helps to balance energy, aligns and empowers the chakras, and bestows a sense of wholeness and well being.
Chakras: Solar Plexus
Jasper — Red
Red- Gives men and women quiet strength to resist bullying or domestic violence; offers emotional stability if a serious illness is in remission or during long treatment where the outcome is uncertain. May help circulation, anemia, blood cells and blood toxicity; heart conditions.
Empowerment: I am a high achiever.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: Taurus
Vibrates to the number 6
Jasper — Yellow
Yellow- Eases chronic worries and self-consciousness about what other people say and think about you; overcomes embarrassment of eating in public. Seen as useful for improving problems with stomach bloating, liver, gall bladder and stones, bile duct and large intestine. For all animal healing
Empowerment: I am part of the Earth Mother.
Chakras: Root, Sacral, and Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Leo
Vibrates to the number 6
Jasper — Zebra
Zebra- Assists us to look at life in an optimistic way wile also giving strength to deal with the causes of stress and to resist falling into apathy. May help reduce stress and activate the fight-back mechanism.
Empowerment: I will not questions life’s experiences.
Chakras: Root
Astrological sign: Libra
Vibrates to the number 11
Formed from fossilized wood. Draws out negative energy and alleviates unreasonable fears. Guards against violence and illness. Treats migraines, epilepsy and colds. Diminishes glandular and lymphatic swellings and heals stomach pain.
Empowerment: I can let go of the past with gentleness.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: Capricorn
Vibrates to the number 8
A high vibration crystal that facilitates a deep connection to Divine Love, Kunzite can help us attain deep meditative states and helps release boundaries around the heart, leaving one feeling whole and loved. This crystal helps lift one's mood, heal emotional stress and anxiety. It's great for the thymus gland; it opens and activates the heart chakra.
Element: Water.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Scorpio, Taurus, and Leo
Vibrates to the number 7
Excellent stone for attunement and mediation. It is tranquilizing and a powerful transmitter and amplifier of high frequency energies. Stimulating psychic abilities and the intuition. A natural pain reliever, lowers blood pressure and heals infections.
Empowerment: I understand my life’s purpose.
Chakras: Third Eye, Throat
Astrological sign: Aries, Taurus, and Libra
Vibrates to the number 4
Bringer of light. Highly mystical and protective stone. Raises consciousness and connects with universal energies. Treats disorders of the eyes and brain, relieves stress and regulates the metabolism.
Empowerment: I can be both independent and connected with others.
Chakras: Sacral/Navel, Throat, and Third eye.
Astrological sign: Leo, Scorpio, and Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 6 and 7.
Lapis Lazuli
A Stone of Total Awareness. Encourages taking charge in life. Reveals inner truth, encourages self-awareness and allows self expression without holding back or compromising. Alleviates pain, especially from migraine headaches. Overcomes depression and hearing loss. Benefits the respiratory and nervous systems.
Empowerment: I reach for the stars.
Chakras: Third Eye, Throat, and Brow
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 3.
This stone with a soft blue color supports us in the changes to which we are constantly exposed. It is no coincidence that Larimar has appeared at a time when the world is going through important transformations. These days especially, there is a need for guidance to lead us on our way with positive energy. The blue gemstone softens, enlightens and supports the healing process of the physical, emotional-mental and spiritual bodies. Because of its extraordinary blue appearance (also found as blue white and blue-green, depending on quality), this gemstone is associated with the heavens, the seas and planet earth as seen from space. The power of these natural elements is contained within this semi-precious stone. Larimar bears the strength of the blue sky with its white clouds and the depth and clarity of the fantastically blue Caribbean. It combines our mind and thoughts (elements of air energy) with our heart and emotions (elements of water energy), gathering them into a harmonious whole. In addition, Larimar helps us to view events from a different, more positive perspective.
Empowerment: I can heal myself and the situation.
Chakras: Heart, Third Eye, Throat
Astrological sign: Leo
Vibrates to the master number 55
Enhances our own self-respect and self-value. It allows us to accept ourselves as we really are. It’s an emotionally balancing stone. It helps us to deal with those difficult situations in life in a calm and concentrated way. A stone of change and of progress. It can help us to clear things from our past and to see a clearer future. It helps us to resolve things.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Capricorn
Vibrates to the number 6
Used to symbolically draw luck, money and love. Traditionally, a pair placed under the marital bed preserves passion and helps conceive a child.
Empowerment: I am tuned in to my radar.
Chakras: Root and Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Virgo, Libra and Capricorn
Vibrates to the number 1 and 4
Stone of Transformation. Life is lived more intensely under the influence of this adventurous stone which encourages risk taking and change. Extremely versatile in healing. Useful for cramps, including menstrual. Facilitates in childbirth, often called the “midwife” stone.
Empowerment: I will follow my heart.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: Scorpio, Capricorn
Vibrates to the number 9
A dendritic agate stone. Merlinite contains the wisdom of shamans, magicians and alchemists. It is said that Merlinite can bring magic and luck into your life. It supports shamanic practices and magical ritual, offering glimpses of the past or future. Spiritually Merlinite is a stone of equilibrium, attuned to the elements of earth, air, fire and water and symbolizing unity of the elements and the worlds. The dual coloring of Merlinite brings harmony, balancing yin and yang, conscious and unconscious, intellect and intuition, and masculine and feminine energies. It is the perfect stone for bringing together the divine feminine and masculine – goddess and god – blending spiritual and earthly vibrations and grounding them into the body or environment.
Psychologically, a powerful energy cleanser, Merlinite reprograms ingrained patterns of behavior in the mental and emotional etheric blueprints, bringing about profound charge. It assists in coming to terms with negative experiences, turning them into positive learning. Physically: Merlinite promotes the circulation of energy and oxygen around the body. An energy-saving stone that slows processes down or stimulates as appropriate, its dendritic tendrils resonate with nerve fibers, increasing energy flow along the spine and through the brain, and it can be of assistance in harmonizing the nervous system to an influx of higher vibrations. Healing, supports the respiratory, nervous and circulatory systems, intestines and heart.
Chakras: Third eye and Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Gemini
Vibrates to the number 6
Moldavite is said to be the stone which initiates transformation and brings about an acceleration of spiritual evolution. It has the energy to neutralize the hold of hypnotic commands. It helps in cleansing the energy and acts as a spiritual protector.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: Universal, not associated with any specific zodiac sign.
Vibrates to the number 2 & 6
Moonstone — natural
Natural- Natural moonstone comes in various colors. The "stone of new beginniings." This stone is strongly connected to the moon and to intuition. The stone is reflective and reminds us that, as the moon waxes and wants, so everything is part of a cycle of change. Moonstone calms the emotions. Moonstone has be traditionally been used to enhance psychic abilities.
Empowerment: I recognize my ebbs and flows allowing my true inner self to shine through.
Chakra: Sacral
Astrological sign: Cancer
Vibrates to the number 4
Moonstone — Black
Black- Brings good fortune, assists in foretelling the future, enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, brings success in love as well as business matters, offers protection on land and at sea. It is said that if you give your lover a moonstone necklace when the moon is full you will always have passion for each other. Moonstone is the stone of inner growth and strength.
Chakras: Naval and Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Aquarius
Vibrates to the number 4
Moonstone — Clear
Clear- Stone of New Beginnings. Strongly connected to the moon and to the intuition. It is reflective and reminds us that everything is part of the cycle of change. Powerful in calming the emotions. Helps digestive and reproductive systems. Excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth and breast feeding.
Empowerment: I acknowledge my potential for growth.
Chakras: Third eye and Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio
Vibrates to the number 4
Moonstone — rainbow
Rainbow- Rainbow moonstone is gentle and will offer ongoing strength against illness. It is a supportive stone for those who consider harming themselves. Place under your pillow to aid lucid dreaming, calm sleep and find your dream lover.
Empowerment: I will collect moments of happiness.
Chakras: Sacral, brow and crown.
Astrological sign: Cancer
Vibrates to the number 4
Mugglestone (Tiger Iron)
Strengthens will power when fighting illness, depression or addictions, provides stability during times of emotional change and mental fatigue. Tiger Iron is a potent grounding stone to minimize panic attacks and virtually all phobias and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Claimed to promote the production of red blood cells, and the efficient oxygenation of blood.
Empowerment: I fear nothing for I am strong.
Chakras: Sacral and Root
Astrological sign: Leo
Vibrates to the number 7
References: The Complete Crystal Handbook by Cassandra Eason; The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall; Love is in the Earth by Melody, and the Internet.
Please note that all metaphysical or healing properties listed are collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and not meant to treat medical conditions. Forever And A Day LLC does not guarantee the validity of any of these statements.