A-B | C-D | E-I | J-M | N-P | Q-S | T-Z

Crystals: E-I

Here is a listing of crystals, stones & minerals and their metaphysical properties. Please note: Not all crystals listed are guaranteed to be in stock and all of the crystals in our store are listed here.



The Stone of Inspiration and Infinite Patience. It is life-affirming stone with great integrity. Known as the “stone of successful love,” it brings domestic bliss and loyalty. It enhances unity, unconditional love, and partnership and promotes friendship. It keeps a partnership in balance, if it changes color, it is said to signal unfaithfulness. Restores confidence in young girls and teenagers who have been teased about their weight or any young person who is made to feel inferior. May be useful for angina, eyesight, bleeding, epilepsy, fertility and childbirth.
Empowerment: I am proud of my achievements.
Chakras: Crown, Heart, Link, Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Taurus, Gemini, and Aries
Vibrates to the number 4



Changes thought patterns from “I cannot” to “I can and I will”; encourages actions rather than words. Carry an Epidote tumbled stone to overcome agoraphobia and fear of travel. May help with liver, gall bladder, digestion and recovery after prolonged illness or surgery.
Empowerment: My spiritual life is important to me.
Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart
Astrological sign: Gemini
Vibrates to the number 2



Also known as Almandine Spar, this stone opens and heals the heart and allows one to follow the guidance that comes from this source. Eudialyte helps one "love with their mind, and think with their heart." It heals the emotional body an helps one overcome self-doubt and fear of failure.
Empowerment: I will not question my decisions, but go along with them.
Chakras: Root and Heart
Astrological sign: Taurus
Vibrates to the number 3


Fluorite — Blue


Blue- A stone of spiritual awakening, Blue Fluorlite has a strong throat Chakra association. It focuses on the third eye and it can open up lines of communication in this plane and on others. It supports justice, emotional balance, letting go of obsessions, and clear and gentle truth. It's healing effect is supportive of the nose, throat, inner ear and eyes.
Empowerment: I will speak honestly without giving hurt..
Chakras: Throat
Astrological sign: Pisces
Vibrates to the number 2

Fluorite — Green


Green- Releases blocked grief from an unresolved bereavement, sometimes years earlier or in childhood, healing the freed emotions and bringing new growth; also helps with eating disorders. May help heal infections by boosting the immune system, regeneration of cells, energy and vitality, absorption of minerals, especially for teeth and bones, blood vessels, lungs and spleen.
Empowerment: I will not be swayed by false sentiment.
Chakras: Heart, Throat, and Third Eye
Astrological sign: Pisces and Capricorn
Vibrates to the number 2

Fluorite — Purple


Purple- Highly protective especially on a psychic level. Excellent stone for meditation. This stone cleanses and stabilizes the aura. Draws off negative energies and stress of all kinds. Powerful healing tool in dealing with infections and disorders. Useful in treatment of bones and bone marrow.
Empowerment: I will speak honestly without giving hurt.
Chakras: Heart, Throat, and Third Eye
Astrological sign: Pisces and Capricorn
Vibrates to the number 77



The Fairy Crystal. Fuchsite .increases the energies of other crystals. It reminds us of our inner child and the need for fun, relaxation and joyfulness in life. Can be used in meditation outdoors to increase awareness of Earth energies. A piece buried in an unlovely place helps with Earth healing.
Empowerment: I attract good fortune by my thoughts.
Chakras: Heart and throat
Astrological sign: Libra, Aquarius
Vibrates to the number 9

Garnet, Almandine


Powerfully energizing and regenerating stone. Cleanses and re-energizes the Chakras. Revitalizes, purifies and balances energy brining serenity and passion. Regenerates the body. Stimulates the metabolism. Treats spinal & cellular disorders. Purifies and re-energizes the blood, heart, and lungs. Regenerates DNA.
Empowerment: I need not doubt my love will last.
Chakras: Root
Astrological sign: Aries
Vibrates to the number 2

Geode (Agate mini's)


A geode pair is a good love crystal whereby the two halves are kept together even when the couple must spend time apart; a symbol for secret love or where one or both of the lovers has an existing love commitment they must honor. For deep seated problems where the person is in denial; for those who feel bound to secrecy, such as victims of abuse or whose families are involved in crime.
Empowerment: I look for what is hidden not obvious.
Chakras: Root
Astrological sign: Virgo
Vibrates to the number 9


Goldstone — Red


Red- Also known as Monk’s Gold, Monkstone, Stelleria, Avventurina, and Aventurine Glass. Originally created when alchemists were working towards creating gold. Goldstone is a type of synthetic, or man-made, glass which is made with copper. The copper forms tiny crystalline clusters within the glass. Promotes sense of self-worth and reduces chronic self-consciousness. Said to help with circulation, arthritis, joint pain, skin complaints resulting from food allergies, metabolism, bones and stomach disorders especially stress-related, and dizziness.
Empowerment: I am confident in my abilities.
Chakras: Root and Sacral
Astrological sign: Gemini, Leo
Vibrates to the number 3
Man-made in China

Goldstone — Blue


Blue- For those whose dreams were shattered by the insensitivity of parents or teachers at an early age, a reminder of what has been and can still be achieved. Thought to assist with the relief of migraines, headaches, epilepsy and visual disturbances particularly at night and tunnel vision or glaucoma; be helpful after surgery or intensive chemical therapies, for allergies resulting from chemical irritants and pet hair or dust mites.
Empowerment: I am moving beyond my former expectations.
Chakras: Throat
Astrological sign: Libra and Leo
Vibrates to the number 3
Man-made in China

Goldstone — Green


Green- Helps to open up our minds, helps us ‘see’ the world around us in a new light. Gently uplifting, mildly helpful to reduce stomach tension and protect the center of the body. It is aligned with the heart chakra, extremely supportive for both the body and emotions. It is said to heal and balance. The copper particles are believed to give warming pain relief.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Sagittarius
Vibrates to the number 3
Man-made in China



“Stone of Health”. Reduces extremes of emotions, helpful if all your previous relationships have been a drama. Said to be good for the immune system, heart, respiratory system, blood, vitamin deficiency, reproductive problems, deep vein thrombosis.
Empowerment: I do not need the praise of others to feel worthwhile.
Chakras: Heart
Astrological sign: Cancer
Vibrates to the numbers 2 and 6

Healer's Gold


A combination of Pyrite and magnetite. Healer's Gold keeps away energies that are unhelpful, attracts what is needed. Protects against all who drain energy. A stone of love and fidelity.
Empowerment: I have the strength to resist pressure.
Chakras: Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Leo



Effective at grounding and protecting. Harmonizes the mind, body & spirit. Stimulates concentration and focus. Enhances memory and original thought. Aids circulatory problems and blood conditions.
Empowerment: I will not give way to unfair pressure.
Chakras: Base, Heart, Link, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Astrological sign: Aries and Aquarius
Vibrates to the number 9



Reduces unwise or obsessional attachments whether to an impossible love, risk-taking or the inability to give others space for independent thought and action. Reported to be good for blood disorders, cells, ulcers, headaches, hormonal imbalances, and pain relief.
Empowerment: I have what I need.
Chakras: Heart, Throat
Astrological sign: Libra
Vibrates to the number 4



Extremely calming stone. Excellent antidote to insomnia. Teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger. Balances calcium levels within the body and aids teeth, bones and soft tissue.
Empowerment: I am secure and stable once more.
Chakras: Crown
Astrological sign: Gemini
Vibrates to the number 2

Hypersthene (aka: Eulite, Spectrolite)


Overcomes shyness and social awkwardness; ability to express affection and emotions more freely. A transformative mineral giving courage, confidence and all important determination to push open doors or opportunities.
Empowerment: I respect myself for what I am and not my achievements.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: Libra, Sagittarius
Vibrates to the numbers 8 and 9

Iceland Spar (Optical Calcite)


Amplifies images and heals the eyes. It can aid in seeing double meaning hidden behind works. It reduces the tension that causes migraines. This form of Calcite is an excellent cleanser of subtle bodies.
Empowerment: I am a very lucky person.
Chakras: All
Astrological sign: Cancer
Vibrates to the numbers 3



A vision stone. Iolite activates the third eye. Facilitates visualization and intuitive insight when all the Chakras are in alignment. Creates a strong constitution. Reduces fatty deposits in the body, mitigates the effects of alcohol and supports detoxification and regeneration of the liver.
Empowerment: I am on track again.
Chakras: Third Eye
Astrological sign: Libra, Sagittarius, and Taurus
Vibrates to the number 7

References: The Complete Crystal Handbook by Cassandra Eason; The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall; Love is in the Earth by Melody, and the Internet.

Please note that all metaphysical or healing properties listed are collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and not meant to treat medical conditions. Forever And A Day LLC does not guarantee the validity of any of these statements.